
Monday, January 30, 2012

Lace Headband with flower and tutorial

I've been making stuff for my children and for myself, but I didn't get a chance to post it early in this blog. Been busy with kids and household chores. Anyway, I made this lace headband for my two girls. It is very easy to make.

All you need is  10 white (any color) petals ( I got mine from the Dollar Tree store) for $1.
30 inches lace ( I got mine from goodwill and I paid probably a penny for it)
Glue gun
felt circle
Needle and tread

How to:

Use the felt circle and apply glue on top. Get five petals and arrange the tip of the petal face down on the glue until it dry. Apply glue again on the top of the first petal set and this time use only four petals to glue on top facing the right side. The last petal make a yoyo circle to use as the middle of the flower then glue it on the top of the flower. Then glue it on to the lace and you are done. Very easy takes you probably 5 minutes to make.

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