
Monday, May 23, 2011

Spring Maternity Dress

Last night after my kids went to bed, I decided to make my self a nice comfortable maternity dress. I wasn't sure how to start it, but I remember that I bought some remnant fabric from Walmart and it was measured 1 2/3 yards. I cut 3 inches for straps and 4 inches across for belt and just sew it. This is what I came up with.
it was very comfortable and I didn't have to worry of any elastic on my big belly.
28 weeks
the back view!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Tote and make-up pouch

 I made these items this after for GJ to give it to his teacher next week. This particular one has lining inside.
 This one doesn't have lining inside. Yeah, I made with the same fabric. I got the fabric from the remnant cart at Walmart and I paid $1.75. Cheap is good!
Make-up pouch made from the same fabric :-). My first time to make one since I don't know how to put on a zipper. My first trial wasn't so bad at all!

All of these items cost me probably $4.00 not bad at all. And it all made from my heart!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Add ruffles to Maternity dress

I have this dress from awhile ago. I think my sister-in-law gave it to me with bunch of other clothes that she collected from her friends ( I think) :-). Anyway, I wore this skirt for a long time even  and just last Sunday when I sewing other stuff, I decided to add ruffles on the neckline of my maternity dress.
It was also quite long that when I sit it always reach the floor and when I get up I always stepped on the bottom of my skirt. SO I chopped it off a quite a bit. I love the outcome and even my husband said that it was nicer now. I add belt so that it will look totally different, and it did!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Summer dress

I made this dress couple weeks ago. I made my own pattern,  and I just adjust some of the parts as I go along. The upper sleeves is not perfect at all, but I think if I do more I'll do better in the long run. I intended to let my daughter wear this summer but it was quite too big for her. I have problem taking measurements and following those measurements when I'm cutting the fabric. I normally add extra fabric for the hem , then later it screw me up when I sewing it. Anyway, here is the dress.
What do you think?
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